Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Sneak peak

Here are a few photos from Harper's 3 month photo session. I will post the link once all the proofs come in. She did SO good while we were there. She does have a tendency to pee on the photographer's, Nate, blankets. Lol. Luckily it was laundry day. We also managed to get through 5 wardrobe changes!!! Whew!

Harper just keeps learning and growing everyday!

Well, now that Harper has rolled from her stomach to her back it was time for her to roll from her back to stomach...she's done it a couple of times so it's still a work in progress. She gets stuck a lot of the times because she's gnawing on her hand. Lol. I also think she is left handed (like mommy & daddy) because she sucks on her left hand, grabs everything with her left hand, etc. I'm sure it's too soon to tell but unless she suddenly discovers her right hand, we may have a lefty. :-)

We had her 3 month check-up last Friday and everything turned out great! The doctor says she is growing like a weed (11 lb 7 oz & 24" long). It's crazy to think she is already 3 months old. She is so much fun and it's seems to be something new everyday. The doctor said we could probably start her slowly on solids next month!!! AT 4 MONTHS???? I thought that was a stretch but we will see. She has shown signs of teething already...she slobbers EVERYWHERE and chews on her hands a lot. We've had to grow accustomed to keeping a bib on her now. So far no fever or pain though...crossing my fingers it will stay that way!

Just after her 3 month visit, mommy & daddy went on a weekend long trip to see a few concerts. It was my 1st time away from her and boy did I miss her! Although I must say it was nice to drink too. :-) We were glad to be back home with her Sunday and thank her Grandma Grace for toughing it out with her!!!

Off to tend to the little one...

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Lots of new things...

Harper has done a lot since I posted last! She grabbed a hold of her toy on her activity mat last week. She holds her head up really well when we hold her and during tummy time. She likes to watch the dog and cat walk by when she's on her tummy. Just this past week she also rolled from her stomach to her back. She has done that twice now! I was so excited about her rolling over I immediately called Adam and my mom. It's so neat to see all the new things she learns to do just by me showing her everyday. She catches on quick!

Harper still talks and smiles constantly...her new favorite thing is to talk when she has her fist (or fingers) in her mouth! She likes to mimic your sounds too. We have screaming contests every now and again. She usually wins that though. :>)

She is a very good sleeper at night. We have gotten her schedule down and she would usually sleep from 8-9pm and wake up to eat at 4-4:30 then continues to sleep until 7:30-8. But for the past couple of nights she has slept from 8:30 until 7am!!!! I got up the 1st night freaking out and went to check on her...I hope it stays like this because it's quite nice to get that much sleep straight!

This week will be a great week because Mom and Aunt Robin get here on Friday and are staying until Monday! I'm so ready to see my family and get some help with her so I can actually get stuff done. Well, I'm off to play with her for a while...we will write again soon!

~Lins & Harper

Monday, May 24, 2010

Happy Baby!

I must say Harper is quite a happy baby and I'm very thankful for that! She LOVES it when you talk to her and laugh at her or anything else. She also likes to do the same right back at you. If she feels she is not getting enough attention, she will let you know so you think she's crying for a reason...well, you walk over to her and start talking and she just smiles as if that's all she wanted. Yes, we are wrapped around her little finger!!! The nurse at her pediatrician's office even told me she was already a drama queen. She got her 2 month shots last week, (which was so sad and I cried as much as she did) and when babies usually stop crying after the shots she just stuck out her bottom lip and kept on crying...especially when I looked at her to calm her down. I think she gets this quality from her daddy. HA!

As for everything else, Mallory & Brandon's wedding went really well! She was fussy during the rehearsal dinner but great during the wedding. We managed to get through the big day without anything major. I wish Adam and I could have been more of a part of the wedding party and the partying in general but there is that whole kid thing. Lol. It was nice for everyone to be able to meet her.

This past weekend we decided to make a family trip to Gatlinburg. It was our 1st trip just the 3 of us (well, and Sebastian)and her 1st time in the car that long. She did great again! She slept pretty much the entire way both there and back. We also got to sleep 5 hours straight Friday night and 6.5 hours Saturday night. I was so pleased!!! Bath night always helps that too. :-) When we got back last night we decided to put her in her crib for the 1st time...just to continue with the "1st's." I was a mess all night but she slept great! My fear was that I wouldn't hear her crying as we are upstairs and her room is downstairs but I definitely heard her!

As for this week, no big plans...Adam will be out of town the next couple of nights but then he will be home for days at a time and the long weekend to come. We are all ready for that!

Sorry for the long post, it has been almost 2 weeks. I also owe you all new photos so I will post those tonight after she goes to sleep, or tomorrow. :-)


Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I don't feel this way just yet but the end is near. It has been a crazy, busy week with Uncle Brandon's graduation from Medical School, Aunt Mallory's graduation with an MBA, Mother's Day, and getting ready to travel for Mal & Brandon's wedding this weekend. The "whew" will come Sunday afternoon when we get home and everything has settled. I'm mostly exhausted because it's just been ME since Monday morning. Adam has been travelling all week and I'm so ready for a break...especially diaper duty in the middle of the night. :-)

I have to say Mother's Day is not all it's cracked up to be. I tried to get time to myself to do just a few things before Adam went off to work Monday but that didn't happen. We did get to enjoy the afternoon with his family and have a wonderful dinner at their house. All-in-all it was not a day for me! Maybe next year will be...

Now to the good stuff...Harper...she is doing so well. Her cold from last week seems to be getting better but she has figured out the nasal aspirator is not her friend. She used to laugh at it, not so much now. Actually this morning I was trying to get the stuff out of her nose so she could breathe better but she started sneezing instead...her last effort to sneeze it didn't come out and as she went to try to sneeze she said "AHHHHH" really loud, then it didn't come out and she said "OOOOOO". It sounded like she said "achoo" in her own way. It was so cute. I started laughing really loud because I was just shocked and she just giggled at my laugh. I just love mornings with my little one. She is the happiest then. :-)

Well, the nightly fussiness has begun so I'm off...I'll post some more photos of the sweet girl tomorrow!

~Lins & Harper

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Harper's 1st Month

Well updating weekly has been challenging as you can see. I'm sorry I've neglected the blog! I promise I will do better and update weekly from here on out.

On a positive note, Harper is doing great! Her 1st month is past us and she is growing every second of the day. She is now 9 lbs, 5 oz and 21-3/4 inches in length. She is above average on her height and average with her weight! She grew out of her newborn clothes and out of the newborn diapers. She talks, giggles, holds her head up (sometimes it falls), and cries daily. Her best time of the day is in the morning after breakfast and her worst is in the early evening. She loves bath time now and LOVES looking outside and going outside. The boat this summer will be right up her ally.

At 2 weeks old we took her to have newborn photos and they turned out great! She was awake the entire time so some of the shots were odd because they are for the sleeping babies. You can view the photos at The password is harper.

We are truly blessed with this child although it is challenging at times. Adam has started travelling again and Mallory & Brandon no longer live here so some nights I'm on my own. That, in itself, is quite tiring. Luckily we have a great support system and plenty of willing help if we need it! Grace relieves me once a week during the day so I can have time for myself or just to get something done that I can't take anymore. :-)


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Harper June Stemle has arrived!

Our sweet little Harper June Stemle arrived March 17th at 5:35pm. She weighed 7 lbs, 2.2 oz and was 20" long. After 2 hours of pushing, baby, mom and dad were well! Harper is so beautiful! We couldn't be more happy!

We got to go home Friday, late-morning. Friday night was a little rough on all of us as we adjusted as a family to the new atmosphere. We got through it and it has been better since then.

We have had strong support from the grandparents. My mom is here this week helping and visiting little "June Bug." We went on our 1st shopping trip since Harper was born and mom, as expected, went a little overboard...Harper will look great this Spring/Summer! :-)

Harper will be 2 weeks old tomorrow! It has gone fast and we are cherishing every moment of this sweet little girl. I will update weekly unless she makes a new milestone.
Thanks to everyone who views the blog!

The Stemle's, Adam, Lindsey, & Harper